“And many more believed because of his own word; and said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying, for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.”—JOHN 4:41-42
Brothers and sisters, we gather today in the simplicity of faith, trusting the Word of God. The Bible asks something remarkable of us—it calls us to believe without hesitation, without pausing to become scholars or historians. It doesn’t say, “First, go and study ancient languages and history,” but simply, “Believe, and you shall be saved.”
Yet, let me be clear: our faith is not blind. It is not a leap into the dark. The Bible itself commands us to be ready to give a reason for our hope. It expects our faith to be intelligent and thoughtful. So how can this be? How can the Bible demand immediate, yet intelligent belief from both the educated and the uneducated alike?
Some critics mock our simple faith. They say, “You Christians believe only because you grew up in church. Your faith is just tradition, no different from the Muslim or the pagan.” Even the Roman Catholic Church criticizes our Protestant faith, saying, “You claim to follow the Bible alone, but how can ordinary people possibly verify its truths without the guidance of an infallible church?”
But friends, let’s consider this carefully. The truth is, every belief requires evidence. Even the Catholic who trusts the church must first believe the church is trustworthy. And how does he know this? He must rely on someone else, usually a priest, who is himself fallible and human. So the Catholic ends up trusting a man rather than God.
But the Bible, dear friends, doesn’t ask us to trust blindly in men. It claims to carry its own proof within its pages. Consider the story in our passage today. Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well. She knows nothing about His background or credentials. Yet, when Jesus speaks, she recognizes truth. She runs to her neighbors and says, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” And when they hear Him for themselves, they believe—not because of what she said, but because His words carried their own evidence.
This is what I mean when I say the Bible speaks for itself. When we read God’s Word honestly, we find within its pages truths that resonate deeply in our hearts. We see a God whose character is perfect—holy, just, merciful, and loving. We see a moral law so pure and righteous that no sinful human could have invented it. We find a consistent message throughout Scripture, even though it was written by many different men over many centuries. Only God Himself could have inspired such harmony.
The Bible also explains clearly the condition of our hearts. It shows us our sinfulness and rebellion against God. It tells us plainly why the world is broken—because we have turned away from our Creator. And it gives us the only real solution: redemption through Jesus Christ. Friends, no human philosophy or religion has ever provided such a complete answer to our deepest needs.
Look at Jesus Himself, as described in the Gospels. Could human imagination create such a perfect life? Could liars and deceivers invent a figure so pure, so selfless, so loving? No, the very character of Jesus proves the truthfulness of Scripture. His life speaks louder than any external evidence ever could.
And consider the evidence around us. We all know people whose lives have been changed by the Gospel—real, lasting change that human effort alone could never produce. We have seen hardened sinners transformed into humble servants, proud hearts softened into loving souls. Only God can do such miracles.
Maybe you remember someone dear to you—a mother, father, grandparent, or friend—whose life reflected Christ so clearly that you knew beyond doubt their faith was real. Their lives were the evidence that God’s Word is true.
Friends, the Bible is not just another book. It is God’s living Word, powerful enough to convict hearts, change lives, and save souls. You don’t need to be a scholar or theologian to see this. You only need to open your heart sincerely and let God speak.
If you have doubts, I challenge you: read the Bible honestly, prayerfully. Ask God to show you His truth. If you seek Him sincerely, you will find Him. For the Bible itself promises, “Seek, and ye shall find.”
Let us hold fast to this precious Word. Let us trust the Bible not because tradition tells us to, not because some human authority demands it, but because its truth shines clearly in our hearts. The Bible is its own witness, and it speaks plainly to all who are willing to listen.
May God bless you, and may His Word dwell richly in your hearts today and always. Amen.