
A Humble Shepherd’s Call to Divine Obedience


I. The Flock and the Shepherd
My dear friends, the Good Lord didn’t stitch us together like scarecrows, stuffing us with straw and callin’ it a day. No, He breathed into us minds sharper than a harvest sickle and hearts freer than a meadow breeze. But mark my words: freedom ain’t runnin’ wild like a stray hog. It’s bendin’ our knees to the One who knit us in our mothers’ wombs. You don’t question the Shepherd when He leads you to green pastures—you follow. And if you dig in your heels, well, that’s rebellion plain as day.

II. Consent Ain’t Optional
Now, some folks squawk, “I’ll serve the Lord when I’m good and ready!” But let me tell ya—God don’t wait on your permission slip. Did He ask if you wanted to be born? Did He consult you ’bout the sunrise or the rain? No, sir. He’s King from the get-go. Your consent ain’t what makes Him ruler; it’s what keeps your soul from rot. Refuse Him, and you’re not just stubborn—you’re treasonous.

III. Every Fiber of Your Bein’
Ain’t no half-measures in God’s house. You don’t pledge allegiance to the flag and then spit on it. So why serve the Lord with a wink and a nod? Your thoughts, your wants, your plowin’, your prayin’—all of it’s His. If His Word rubs you raw, that’s your pride talkin’, not His error. The Almighty don’t make mistakes. You think a clay pot oughta lecture the Potter?

IV. Earthly Kings and the Heavenly Throne
Mind your mayors and magistrates, sure—but never forget they’re just deputies under the High Sheriff. If your earthly pa tells you to cheat or your governor orders sin, you say, “Sorry, sir, but I answer to a Higher Court.” A worm don’t argue with the boot that crushes it, and no man’s law trumps the Lord’s.

V. Crack Open That Good Book
How you gonna obey what you don’t know? A farmer don’t ignore the almanac and then wonder why his crops fail. Study the Scriptures like your soul’s supper depends on it—’cause it does. Ignorance ain’t bliss; it’s a one-way ticket to the briar patch.

VI. Temptation’s Siren Song
The Devil’s got a sweet tongue, don’t he? “Just this once,” he whispers. “Who’s gonna know?” But I’ll tell you who: the One who sees every sparrow fall. No temptation’s worth tradin’ your birthright for a bowl of stew. That promotion? That secret sin? Rotten apples, the lot. The Devil’s gold always turns to ash.

VII. No Price Tags on Sin
Suppose Satan offered you the whole world—every acre from here to Memphis. You think that’d square your account with the Almighty? A mountain don’t care ’bout a pebble on the scale. Sin’s wages might glitter, but they buy nothin’ but death.

VIII. Trust the Shepherd’s Plan
Maybe obedience pinches now. Maybe the wicked seem to prosper. But hold fast! The Lord’s storehouse ain’t empty. Would you doubt the same God who hung the stars? Even if obedience cost you every last dime, you’d still owe it. That ox in your field—you don’t ask its opinion ’fore yokin’ it up. How much more does the Maker of heaven and earth deserve your trust?

IX. Nations Under God
This ain’t just ’bout you and me. Whole towns, whole countries—they’re all God’s acreage. When leaders forget whose Land they’re tendin’, they’re no better than hired hands pocketin’ the Master’s grain. Kings and congressmen best mind their step, ’fore the true King brings down the gavel.

Closing Prayer
Let us bow our heads…
Lord, we’re just humble clay, shaped by Your hand. Forgive our stiff necks and wandering feet. Plant Your Word deep in our soil, that we might grow straight and true—a harvest fit for Your barns. Amen.

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