Genesis 3:15
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
Dearly beloved, gather close and hear the words of the Lord. Today, I bring you tidings of great joy, for we are about to reflect on the very first promise of a Savior—the first glimmer of hope given to a fallen world. This verse, spoken by God in the garden of Eden, is not just a warning to the serpent but a message of redemption for all mankind. It is the seed from which all the promises of God blossom. Let us meditate on this holy truth together.
The Fall and the Need for a Promise
Oh, my dear flock, let us not shy away from the truth. The fall of man is written plainly in the Word of God and in the very condition of our hearts. We feel it, we see it, and we live it every single day. Adam and Eve, created in the image of God, walked in the garden in perfect fellowship with their Creator. But how quickly they fell! How soon they listened to the serpent’s lies and turned from the One who made them!
The serpent, crafty and full of deceit, approached Eve with his subtle question: “Yea, hath God said?” Oh, my friends, how often does the devil whisper such doubts into our ears? He plants seeds of mistrust, twisting God’s Word, making us question His goodness and His commands. And Eve, instead of fleeing from the serpent, entertained his words. She looked at the forbidden fruit, saw that it was pleasant to the eye, and desired it. Lust conceived sin, and sin brought forth death.
Adam, too, fell. Instead of standing firm, he followed his wife into disobedience. And so, sin entered the world, and with it came shame, separation, and death. They tried to cover their nakedness with fig leaves, just as we try to cover our sins with our own righteousness. But, oh, how inadequate our efforts are! For when the voice of the Lord came walking in the garden, they hid themselves among the trees. And isn’t that what we do, my friends? When guilt weighs heavy on our hearts, we hide from the very God who can heal us.
The Promise of Redemption
But thanks be to God, He did not leave Adam and Eve—or us—in their hopeless state. No, He declared a promise, a glorious promise, to the serpent in their hearing: “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
What mercy! What grace! Even as judgment was pronounced, God revealed His plan of salvation. This verse, my dear ones, is the gospel in seed form. The seed of the woman—our Lord Jesus Christ—would come to crush the serpent’s head. Though bruised in the process, He would triumph over sin, death, and the devil.
Do you see the beauty here? Adam and Eve stood as guilty sinners, unable to plead their case or offer any defense. Yet God, in His infinite love, revealed a Savior who would come to redeem them and all their descendants who believe. This is not a covenant of works, where man must earn his salvation. No, this is the covenant of grace, where God Himself provides the way of redemption.
The Struggle Between the Seeds
Now, let us consider the enmity spoken of in this promise. There is, and always will be, a battle between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. This enmity began with Cain and Abel, where the righteous Abel was slain by his unrighteous brother. It continued through the history of Israel, as the people of God faced persecution and temptation at every turn. And it reaches into our own lives today, as the children of God struggle against the powers of darkness.
But take heart, my brothers and sisters! Though the serpent bruises our heel—though he tempts, accuses, and persecutes—he cannot prevail. The seed of the woman has already crushed his head! On the cross, our Lord Jesus triumphed over the devil, disarming the rulers and authorities and putting them to open shame. His victory is our victory.
The Fulfillment in Christ
Let us not forget, dear friends, that this promise was fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. Born of a woman, He came into the world to destroy the works of the devil. The serpent bruised His heel when He suffered and died on the cross. But in that very act of suffering, Christ crushed the serpent’s head. By His death, He defeated death. By His sacrifice, He atoned for our sins. And by His resurrection, He secured eternal life for all who believe.
What a Savior we have! What a Redeemer! He has done what we could never do. He has restored what Adam lost. And now, through Him, we are clothed not with fig leaves, but with His righteousness. We are reconciled to God, adopted as His children, and given the hope of eternal life.
The Ongoing Victory
My dear flock, the promise of Genesis 3:15 is not only a past event but a present reality and a future hope. Even now, the seed of the serpent continues to bruise our heel. We face trials, temptations, and persecutions. But let us not grow weary or lose heart. The victory is already won! Christ has overcome, and we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
And one day, the promise will be fully realized. On that glorious day, when Christ returns, Satan will be cast into the lake of fire, never to trouble the children of God again. Sin and death will be no more. We will stand before our God, clothed in white robes, with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fear. The seed of the woman will reign forever, and we will reign with Him.
A Call to Faith
So, my beloved, what is our response to this promise? First, let us believe it. Let us trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, the seed of the woman, who has crushed the serpent’s head. If you have not yet come to Him in faith, do so today. Do not hide among the trees like Adam and Eve, but come into the light and receive His mercy.
Second, let us live in the victory of this promise. Though the serpent may bruise our heel, let us press on, knowing that his head is already crushed. Let us resist him, firm in our faith, and cling to the One who has overcome.
And finally, let us rejoice in the hope of this promise. The battle may rage, but the outcome is certain. The seed of the woman will prevail. Christ will reign. And we, His redeemed, will dwell with Him forever.
To God be the glory, great things He has done! Amen.